This is an account kept by Thomas Kendray of Grewelthorpe of an auction held at Bush Farm Grewelthorpe on 26th March 1831.
It shows items sold and names of the buyer and amount paid.
It is an interesting record as it shows who was in the village 10 years before the first census of 1841. Although it must be realised that some would be farmers from other villages come to the sale.
It also shows archaic names for farm equipment.
In my opinion it is a record worth keeping, make of it what you will.
Barbara Bradley October 2021.
3. Whick Rakes ………………William Sheffield ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1s.3d
Knives & hoes……………….. .. ditto ………………………….1s.
ditto ………………………William Jackson …………… 7d.
Spade & grubs………………..Henry Lund ……………………. 6d.
Spade & drag…………………John Parnaby…………………….1s.2d.
3 Rakes………………………..Janathan Wardman………………1s 1d.
Corn Rake……………………..Robert Blackburn………………..1s.6d
Sickels…………………………John Parnaby…………………………10d.
Belly ? ………………………….John Clark………………………..2s 6d.
Old Hamer & 2pairs blinders. W. Schofield………………………3s 3d.
Blinders & Break bridle………John Parnaby……………………..3s. 3d
2 pairs of blinders…………….John Bigget………………………….2s 6d.
Plow back & traces ………… W. Place…………………………..6s.
ditto ……………………………..ditto………………………………..4s.
Long Traces…………………….W.Schofield……………………….6s.6d.
Cart Backboard……………….. ditto…………………………….. 2s 6d.
Tools……………………………. ditto……………………………. 2s.
Cartsadle & Trapins …………Richard Lambert……………….4s. probably a saddle for a cart & accessories.
Milk can……………………… James Knew……………………..2s.
Barrel churn…………………….George Parnaby……………..£1.16s
Lead barrel………………………W.Schofield……………………….13s.
Plow………………………………..Wm Place………………………17s.
2 carts…………………………….Wm James…………………£9.10s
Wagon…………………………….John Clark………………….£6.10s
Pair harrows……………………..John Metcalfe……………… 10s.
Rowler………………………………Wm Parnaby………………£2.10s.
Drill & Rowler……………………..Joseph Ryder………………£1.9s
Plow………………………………..Wm Coldbeck……………..6s.9d.